Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Yet again, it has taken me forever to come back and write about what's going on. Vicki and I have moved to a new apartment (she and my Mom are finishing up as we speak), traveled to 5 different states, begun transition into a new position in my job, and begun pre-production on the new worship album. AND Watershed has been traveling more than ever! We have met so many interesting people in the last couple of months as well as renew old friendships. Jon Jouvenaux and Free Indeed are among the best! I just love our yearly get-togethers at the Neosho Shoney's. We laugh and catch up on what happening in each others music ministries. They are the real deal. I pray that God continues to bless them and their ministry. Maybe the next time they go to South Africa, we can go with them! Oftentimes, when I walk out of a church building, I feel that I leave thirsty. I feel like I have to jump through theological and cultural obstacles to even meet Him. And I wrestle, more often than not, with this nagging question that there is more to my spiritual walk than this. This spiritual unsettlment has brought me to search out and reaquaint myself with others who are on a similiar journey. I picked up a copy of "The Sacred Way" by Tony Jones. Its kind of a modern day "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster (both are great reads) which explains and encourages the practices of spiritual disciplines. Now, it is important to remember that these practices aren't "secret formulas" to encountering God or even a BETTER way to honor God- they are simply avenues to open yourself up for God to change you. I am currently reading the first chapter on lectio divina. It is a way of reading and meditating on God's word. Though, there are numerous ways to do this, I find the following way works for me. First, find a comfortable and quiet spot to read. Next, select a scripture- it needs to be somewhat short. Then, you read the passage over slowly and repeatedly, if possible aloud. Now, this needs to be a gradual reading, not a fast "email-type" reading- you need to savor every word. While reading, listen for what God is saying to you. For me, a certain word or phrase from the reading usually pops out at me. I think and meditate on this. I find that I end up memorizing at least part of the scripture as well! Try this and tell me what you think. Well, that's it for today. Talk to you soon! -chris