Friday, September 02, 2005

I love this picture. It is a classic depiction of Jesus and Mary- but it drives deeper than that. It bears the wear of weathered years- each scratch a testament, every knick a statement of faith. It also bears the complexities and textures of our generation- a "messy spirituality" as Mike Yaconelli puts it. It reflects this ancient, but future faith we try to live out. The Indigo Girls have this song called "The Wood Song". The chorus goes:

"But the wood is tired, and the wood is old, we'll make it fine if the weather holds, but if the weather holds, will it miss the point? That's where we need to go." Let's go- let's see where Jesus takes us!

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. -2 Corinthians 4:9


my alter ego said...

ah- the wood song. it is one of my favorites!

glad to know you are still alive and kicking man! don't let the screen name fool ya.

hope to catch up sometime!


Justin said...

Ah thanks! I'll add this to the list of images that I can't use because its a classical depiction of Jesus. :( (Um yeah, apparently some folks in our church find that offensive.) We've made progress with them though... They will now accept most all symbols like a cross and a crown of thorns.

Josh Graves said...

Chris...we need more blogs from you brother.


Jason W. Steckel said...

Looking forward to being in the office next to yours! God is assembling quite a team. I hope you guys have a smooth transition. See ya soon, bro!