Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Watershed and Mandisa

Here's a little impromptu audition with Mandisa from American Idol fame.


Amy Paden said...

Love the interview with Mandisa! Her cd (and all of Watershed's) make weekly appearances on the mp3 player. :)

A random side note since it appeared at the end of the Mandisa interview... The "Walking That Line" video is amazing. Whenever the song across the mp3 player, I always hear Todd in my head instead of Kevin Schaffer!

JB said...

Thanks for sharing. I have been waiting to see that since I heard about it on Gary's podcast. I hope you don't mind, I am going to link the video onto my blog.
Take care brother!

Anonymous said...

This video is pretty cool! I'm glad I had the opportunity to check it out.
It was great to visit with you at Tulsa - you, your family, and Watershed are in my prayers.

The Gladd's said...


(you know i loved it)