Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's day everyone! My family and I all went to Woodmont this morning, then out for lunch at Olive Garden. We waited and hour and a half before being seated (the line was crazy)! But time with Mom is always time well spent. I guess time with family should always be time well spent! Vicki's dad was in town this weekend and we revived two personal passions of mine: playing Rook and fishing. I have actually been thinking about fishing for a while now, so a couple of weeks ago I bought a rod and reel combo and some artificial lures- waiting for my chance to prove to Vicki that I bring home fish as well as the bacon. My Dad, Jack (my father-in-law) Janelle, (my sis-in-law) and Vicki all hopped in the car and headed for the lake. We spent the whole afternoon fishing and laughing together. This may be biblical, I'm not sure, but I think there is something wired into every man that has this carnal desire to fish- it's that thrill of the chase; that puzzle to figure out: Where are they? Which lure is most effective? It's that thrill of the moment when you feel that nibble . . that little bite . . . when to pull hard and set the hook. . . now? . . no wait just a little longer. . . We didn't catch a lot. Just a few baby brim. Nothing that we could take home and set before the family- proud of our kill. Proud that we can be the providers of shelter and FOOD. No, we ended up catching these tiny brim and ultimately fed them a free dinner (if they were willing to jump on our hooks just a minute for pictures). I guess on the other side, I think it's funny that I spend so much time trying to outwit an animal that has almost no mental capacity! Have fun everyone, and, if you haven't already, call your Mom! Go fishing, too! -chris

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